Have you ever known a person that believes that what happened in the past is fixed, that nothing that's happened can be changed ? That's a common belief, wars happened, goverments changed, events beyond the personal level have had effects. So its almost common to believe the past is fixed, in a certain way. But I believe its essential to look beyond the generation in which I've lived to realize that understanding the past in a new way is possible.In my opinion, that's why I (and every other individual) was born. (01-02-1932 7:30 a.m, that was a Saturday in Roachdale, Indiana was when I breathed my first breath. If I'd been born a day later my encounter with 'history' itself could not have happened.) So many changes in a few decades have forced us to think about the new future by re-viewing the past.
That is our individual task in linear time: to re-view, and I mean literally to see again with new eyes and a unique personal history the effects of the past on a persons' unique life contents and discover one is 'led' to discover what is unique in that life. That's the most diffficult task, recognizing one is 'directed', similar to how a satellite might feel if it had consciousness and language, of being manipulated from afar, but on this planet. A progression of personal evolution, a process that selects an individual guided by an unseen but detectable presence requires events to happen in the most invisible territory, in that one mind. With my hindsight and my background of reading science fictions from a very young age, I believe the process has been fictionalized by some hard core scientists! Somewhat akin to the evolution of David Bowman in Arthur C. Clarkes' fictional Space Odesseys, a new life emerges. He begins in a body but that's just the first stage, he is learning to live without a body and work for a hidden intelligence that he no longer doubts is activating his life.
In the years since 1980, when Mt. St.Helens erupted near where I lived, ideas about time have changed very much. In 2013 movies, television shows, books about time travel are being made and talked about. It is possible to think that certain ideas, ie., 'Dust thou were and to dust thou returneth.' were a kind of Divine Foresight which Isaac Newton recognized was supposed to prove there has been Divine Providence! Those words can be re-understood to point towards a foreknowledge of quantum physics: "Quantum particles thou were in the beginning and to quantum particles thou will returneth in the ending."
I hear a voice coming at me every day, I hear it everywhere now but its not a human voice. The voice has been speaking on this planet before records were kept, that seems obvious to me, it seems to be heard by many individuals now. However in 1984 I had no information about the past, I knew very little about history so at this point in Time, I look back into my past and recognize that I and certain significant people I know, were born to unite in a certain way, at a certain time, to begin to detect this voice. It has been hidden, embedded within activities in every day life.
It, this 'voice' had to be abstracted from that embeddeness. It literally is an artifically created voice, not created by computers, but by a pattern that has been verified but not by science. How did it begin?
Alan Vaughn describes in his Incredible Coincidence, The Baffling World Of Synchronicity, how a person can become a bit player in their own individual life and become a star in someone else's life. I read that book just when those words seemed somehow electrified so that I lingered over them.
The title of the book came to my attention when I was searching in a library card file, for the author of another book whose name I'd forgotten! Library card files are obsolete now of course but it was pure chance that I was looking for thebook, An Imagined World, because I'd forgotten the authors name. It was just when I was flipping through the card file that I had noticed, then paused to see the name of a book: "Incredible Coincidence". That happened just when that kind of synchronization was beginning to happen to me but that kind of personal association was not one I expected to form then. I'd already experienced a few 'strange' events that seemed unlikely to happen even once in a life time because of the perfect timing.
That process of abstraction is not difficult to describe now, its almost certainly what creates a book that has a long bibliography at the end, such as I find at the end of a book I've just finished: The Syndetic Paradigm, by Robert Aziz. The author has read a lot, but has abstracted certain information from other authors and from them formed a new understanding, at least its new to him. I saw the process at work in my own life although I'm not an author. The process itself created the 'voice' and the information necessary to understand it, in a form that is literally the basis for Carl Sagan's fictional book (!!), Contact. The 'voice' began to speak in the location where I and other individuals were living and doing something specific: introducing higher levels of our national dance, square dancing, to the reluctant mainstream level dancers, beginning in the late 1970's into the amazing years after 1984!
Television commercials now, and in 1984 contain words that could not logically be said about automobiles. "I see the miraculous around me every where..." is a recent commercial I heard, the words were about Cisco. But in my mind an association was formed automatically to Peter D. Ouspensky because I've read most of his books. To some one that hasn't read In Search of the Miraculous, the commercial is just words..... probably.
I remember reading a book in the late 1980's, about a young man that wanted to re-live his life from a certain point so that he could undo a mistake he'd made when he was 13 years old. He believed he could do differently which would change his future, his present 'now' so that he'd be able to court a young woman he loved but could not hope to support. He was in deep despair when he chanced to meet a magician that told him it was possible to re-live that period. But nothing would happen differently. The Magician told the young man he would do what he'd done before. That proved to be true. Ivan Osokin observed helplessly as he relived again the past. He observed himself relive his past, knowing as he did, his own future. Even knowing the future he could not 'will' his own body to do differently. The idea of 'self observation' was not one I had ever thought about.
Th Strange Life of Ivan Osokin by P. D. Ouspensky was just a book I picked up somewhere, I don't remember exactly when the book came to my attention but the first mention of it was when I read a strange book: Theory of Eternal Life by Rodney Collin. Its really about the 'worlds of quantum physics' believe it or not! The timing seems miraculous because in 2013 so much has changed about 'time'. Its not a topic that only scientists think about. I'd never heard of P. D. Ouspensky, or so it seemed at the time I read The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin because I'd not noticed it was mentioned in Collins' book.
In a conversation between Ivan and the Magician I read these words: "You have inadvertently guessed a very great secret..." The words, those particular words made me feel strange, I had no language then to describe this strange feeling that made me pause and re-read the words several times, wondering (of course) what the 'very great secret' might be.The idea of a very great secret would make anyone pause to wonder, but the feeling of strangeness was what I wondered about primarily.
The words were being brought to my attention, seleected and highlighted by a function of mind, that I believe now is the real work of the transcendental function itself.
This morning is 33 years later than when I began to read 'that kind of book', but in those decades, my past has been re-viewed in great detail and in its exact specific, very specific content. In 1983 I had neurological tests done that resulted in my being told my handedness had changed but that was just one area of change in my body, which I believed was caused by a head injury. This kind of 'accident' can happen to anyone but it seemed to cause a change in how everything outside of my body affected me. Everything was different rather gradually.
By 1984 I was hearing everything differently than normal for me and seeing the familiar material world very differently, yet nothing was really different. It was obvious to me (eventually) that the change was all in my body/mind/brain, but other specific people seemed to be connected to that change; noticing that was what almost sunk my mental boat while an overwhelmingly new understanding of events re-formed what had been ordinarily my own 'normal'. There's a lot of talk now about the 'new normal', not just mine but everyones' life.
This is the information age but it began long ago, in a past that created a way, a path in life to identify and communicate with, an individual, one specific individual but through 'paradigms' it speaks to the groups in the collective of 'us' on this planet.
Even if what is old information is re-viewed, re-seen and understood in a new way, the process of discovery itself is still unrecognized because its information itself, and is probably embedded in our body. As an aged female I am no longer a bundle of energy like I was in 1984.
That process created information that I didn't know originally so that's what 'spoke' to me, as though the planet itself knew where I was and my most intimate past. I felt like I was being talked to through events and people but now I recognize this is happening to many individual! Its nothing new. This is a symptom known as 'thought broadcasting' in psychiatric texts. I hope to describe it or at least how I began to hear 'it'.
I had to discover the purpose in my life, a task that wasn't easy to accomplish. In a real way a few certain events that were sprinkled earlier in life were similar to a pathway. They were embedded in every day events here and there in an unsuspectedly deep level of memory. But that fact had to be discovered also. It was a level into which it was possible to see and from which it was possible to 'hear' if one's inner content can be described as 'heard'. But I didn't suspect that about my own mind even when I had lived half a century in 1982.
I was not a thought full person and I'm being literal, except for a few periods of 'worrying' about something, I didn't have the constant streams of thought that began in my mind late in 1981 after a brief extremely vivid short dream. Having been 'empty headed' for 5 decades, it was a change that wasn't hard to detect. New kinds of thought began to stream through my mind, and I wondered to myself if "I" thought them. That was a point of change, wondering whether "I" thought these new to me kinds of thought, which in the beginning addressed me as though I was being talked to. The first new thought used plural pronouns, we, us, our, and 'you', plural thought, which let me repeat was new to me. It was a real switch of attention from outside my body to my minds 'output'.
In fact every rule about what's reasonable and rational had to be broken, but that wasn't difficult to me because even when I was nearly 50 years old I didn't know those particular rules, about common sense and rationality.
It began so simply: I was sewing, my mind was adrift in reveries about a certain situation, it was very specific when suddenly I heard the words being spoken on the television. My attention was suddenly displaced as I heard the words: "The second world is just beyond your reach." although until that moment, I had not heard the television at all until my attention was shifted...
That is our individual task in linear time: to re-view, and I mean literally to see again with new eyes and a unique personal history the effects of the past on a persons' unique life contents and discover one is 'led' to discover what is unique in that life. That's the most diffficult task, recognizing one is 'directed', similar to how a satellite might feel if it had consciousness and language, of being manipulated from afar, but on this planet. A progression of personal evolution, a process that selects an individual guided by an unseen but detectable presence requires events to happen in the most invisible territory, in that one mind. With my hindsight and my background of reading science fictions from a very young age, I believe the process has been fictionalized by some hard core scientists! Somewhat akin to the evolution of David Bowman in Arthur C. Clarkes' fictional Space Odesseys, a new life emerges. He begins in a body but that's just the first stage, he is learning to live without a body and work for a hidden intelligence that he no longer doubts is activating his life.
In the years since 1980, when Mt. St.Helens erupted near where I lived, ideas about time have changed very much. In 2013 movies, television shows, books about time travel are being made and talked about. It is possible to think that certain ideas, ie., 'Dust thou were and to dust thou returneth.' were a kind of Divine Foresight which Isaac Newton recognized was supposed to prove there has been Divine Providence! Those words can be re-understood to point towards a foreknowledge of quantum physics: "Quantum particles thou were in the beginning and to quantum particles thou will returneth in the ending."
I hear a voice coming at me every day, I hear it everywhere now but its not a human voice. The voice has been speaking on this planet before records were kept, that seems obvious to me, it seems to be heard by many individuals now. However in 1984 I had no information about the past, I knew very little about history so at this point in Time, I look back into my past and recognize that I and certain significant people I know, were born to unite in a certain way, at a certain time, to begin to detect this voice. It has been hidden, embedded within activities in every day life.
It, this 'voice' had to be abstracted from that embeddeness. It literally is an artifically created voice, not created by computers, but by a pattern that has been verified but not by science. How did it begin?
Alan Vaughn describes in his Incredible Coincidence, The Baffling World Of Synchronicity, how a person can become a bit player in their own individual life and become a star in someone else's life. I read that book just when those words seemed somehow electrified so that I lingered over them.
The title of the book came to my attention when I was searching in a library card file, for the author of another book whose name I'd forgotten! Library card files are obsolete now of course but it was pure chance that I was looking for thebook, An Imagined World, because I'd forgotten the authors name. It was just when I was flipping through the card file that I had noticed, then paused to see the name of a book: "Incredible Coincidence". That happened just when that kind of synchronization was beginning to happen to me but that kind of personal association was not one I expected to form then. I'd already experienced a few 'strange' events that seemed unlikely to happen even once in a life time because of the perfect timing.
That process of abstraction is not difficult to describe now, its almost certainly what creates a book that has a long bibliography at the end, such as I find at the end of a book I've just finished: The Syndetic Paradigm, by Robert Aziz. The author has read a lot, but has abstracted certain information from other authors and from them formed a new understanding, at least its new to him. I saw the process at work in my own life although I'm not an author. The process itself created the 'voice' and the information necessary to understand it, in a form that is literally the basis for Carl Sagan's fictional book (!!), Contact. The 'voice' began to speak in the location where I and other individuals were living and doing something specific: introducing higher levels of our national dance, square dancing, to the reluctant mainstream level dancers, beginning in the late 1970's into the amazing years after 1984!
Television commercials now, and in 1984 contain words that could not logically be said about automobiles. "I see the miraculous around me every where..." is a recent commercial I heard, the words were about Cisco. But in my mind an association was formed automatically to Peter D. Ouspensky because I've read most of his books. To some one that hasn't read In Search of the Miraculous, the commercial is just words..... probably.
I remember reading a book in the late 1980's, about a young man that wanted to re-live his life from a certain point so that he could undo a mistake he'd made when he was 13 years old. He believed he could do differently which would change his future, his present 'now' so that he'd be able to court a young woman he loved but could not hope to support. He was in deep despair when he chanced to meet a magician that told him it was possible to re-live that period. But nothing would happen differently. The Magician told the young man he would do what he'd done before. That proved to be true. Ivan Osokin observed helplessly as he relived again the past. He observed himself relive his past, knowing as he did, his own future. Even knowing the future he could not 'will' his own body to do differently. The idea of 'self observation' was not one I had ever thought about.
Th Strange Life of Ivan Osokin by P. D. Ouspensky was just a book I picked up somewhere, I don't remember exactly when the book came to my attention but the first mention of it was when I read a strange book: Theory of Eternal Life by Rodney Collin. Its really about the 'worlds of quantum physics' believe it or not! The timing seems miraculous because in 2013 so much has changed about 'time'. Its not a topic that only scientists think about. I'd never heard of P. D. Ouspensky, or so it seemed at the time I read The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin because I'd not noticed it was mentioned in Collins' book.
In a conversation between Ivan and the Magician I read these words: "You have inadvertently guessed a very great secret..." The words, those particular words made me feel strange, I had no language then to describe this strange feeling that made me pause and re-read the words several times, wondering (of course) what the 'very great secret' might be.The idea of a very great secret would make anyone pause to wonder, but the feeling of strangeness was what I wondered about primarily.
The words were being brought to my attention, seleected and highlighted by a function of mind, that I believe now is the real work of the transcendental function itself.
This morning is 33 years later than when I began to read 'that kind of book', but in those decades, my past has been re-viewed in great detail and in its exact specific, very specific content. In 1983 I had neurological tests done that resulted in my being told my handedness had changed but that was just one area of change in my body, which I believed was caused by a head injury. This kind of 'accident' can happen to anyone but it seemed to cause a change in how everything outside of my body affected me. Everything was different rather gradually.
By 1984 I was hearing everything differently than normal for me and seeing the familiar material world very differently, yet nothing was really different. It was obvious to me (eventually) that the change was all in my body/mind/brain, but other specific people seemed to be connected to that change; noticing that was what almost sunk my mental boat while an overwhelmingly new understanding of events re-formed what had been ordinarily my own 'normal'. There's a lot of talk now about the 'new normal', not just mine but everyones' life.
This is the information age but it began long ago, in a past that created a way, a path in life to identify and communicate with, an individual, one specific individual but through 'paradigms' it speaks to the groups in the collective of 'us' on this planet.
Even if what is old information is re-viewed, re-seen and understood in a new way, the process of discovery itself is still unrecognized because its information itself, and is probably embedded in our body. As an aged female I am no longer a bundle of energy like I was in 1984.
That process created information that I didn't know originally so that's what 'spoke' to me, as though the planet itself knew where I was and my most intimate past. I felt like I was being talked to through events and people but now I recognize this is happening to many individual! Its nothing new. This is a symptom known as 'thought broadcasting' in psychiatric texts. I hope to describe it or at least how I began to hear 'it'.
I had to discover the purpose in my life, a task that wasn't easy to accomplish. In a real way a few certain events that were sprinkled earlier in life were similar to a pathway. They were embedded in every day events here and there in an unsuspectedly deep level of memory. But that fact had to be discovered also. It was a level into which it was possible to see and from which it was possible to 'hear' if one's inner content can be described as 'heard'. But I didn't suspect that about my own mind even when I had lived half a century in 1982.
I was not a thought full person and I'm being literal, except for a few periods of 'worrying' about something, I didn't have the constant streams of thought that began in my mind late in 1981 after a brief extremely vivid short dream. Having been 'empty headed' for 5 decades, it was a change that wasn't hard to detect. New kinds of thought began to stream through my mind, and I wondered to myself if "I" thought them. That was a point of change, wondering whether "I" thought these new to me kinds of thought, which in the beginning addressed me as though I was being talked to. The first new thought used plural pronouns, we, us, our, and 'you', plural thought, which let me repeat was new to me. It was a real switch of attention from outside my body to my minds 'output'.
In fact every rule about what's reasonable and rational had to be broken, but that wasn't difficult to me because even when I was nearly 50 years old I didn't know those particular rules, about common sense and rationality.
It began so simply: I was sewing, my mind was adrift in reveries about a certain situation, it was very specific when suddenly I heard the words being spoken on the television. My attention was suddenly displaced as I heard the words: "The second world is just beyond your reach." although until that moment, I had not heard the television at all until my attention was shifted...